Kleiner Bub auf dreistufiger Leiter zeichnet mit Kreide Rakete an eine Wand

Our sucess story

For more than sixty years we have been a successful driving force for the local economy. Selected milestones provide a brief outline of our company history.

All of our activities revolve around the three divisions of Company & Technology, Location & Service, Projects & Impulses and the thematically and organizationally complementary holdings and subsidiaries.

milestones 1962 - 2024


Opening of the real House of Digitalization in Tulln


An increased focus on climate-friendly location development is set.


Digitalization as a topic for the future:

Development of five digital hubs, a cross-institutional and Lower Austrian-wide competence network and “virtual house” of digitalization

Preparatory work for the foundation of ecoplus Digital GmbH


Foundation of ecoplus Alpin GmbH (former company name: Niederösterreichische Bergbahnen Beteiligungs GmbH)

100% owner of riz up Niederösterreichs Gründeragentur GmbH


Relocation of the ecoplus headquarters from Vienna to the "Wirtschaftszentrum Niederösterreich" in St. Pölten


Start of the Technopol program with locations in Wiener Neustadt, Krems and Tulln - Wieselburg also becomes a Technopol location in 2013.

Foundation of ecoplus International


Launch of the Lower Austria Wood Cluster: Further industry networks, so-called clusters and platforms, are subsequently created on key topics (green building, energy, environment, food, mechatronics, plastics, renewable energies, bioeconomy, health, etc.), which are adapted to current developments and requirements.


Opening of the first Technology and Research Center (TFZ) (info in German) in Wiener Neustadt - TFZs are subsequently established in Tulln, Wieselburg, Krems, Seibersdorf and Klosterneuburg.


Start of management of investments: ecoplus holds investments in companies that act as a driving force in the region and/or represent important additional facilities of the ecoplus business parks, as well as in business parks and technology and research centers


Launch of the regional funding program: Since joining the EU in 1995, ecoplus has also been able to integrate the regional funding program into several EU programs - one focus is on the implementation of the LEADER program for rural development.


Foundation of ecoplus Business Park Wolkersdorf: The construction and ongoing development of business parks is still a central business area today.


New mainstay: support for companies looking for a location and setting up a business through the Investor Services team


ecoplus company foundation: Development and expansion of the Industriezentrum NÖ-Süd into the first Lower Austrian business park – with Isovolta as the first company settlement

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