FH Studenten in Tulln vor dem Haus der Digitalisierung umgeben von Blumenschmuck
Daniel Hinterramskogler

Business location lower austria

At the pulse of europe, open to big plans, top infrastructure - Lower Austria is an open and attractive economic location that is developing dynamically.

With the high-growth markets of Central and Eastern Europe on its doorstep and Vienna at its center, Austria's largest federal state has geographical advantages. In addition, Lower Austria's economy scores with solid economic growth, which is often above the Austrian average, a particularly strong export orientation, a focus on technology and innovation as well as many start-ups. These advantages create a unique investment-friendly climate. This makes Lower Austria one of the top business locations in Europe. Especially in challenging times, it proves its worth when the framework conditions for business people are right. Another advantage of our economy is its diversity - with many small and medium-sized companies in different sectors, Lower Austria has a very broad base.

Zwei junge Damen bei einer Lernsituation im Freien
Daniel Hinterramskogler

Looking into the future

FUTURE.ECONOMY.LOWER AUSTRIA. The state of Lower Austria, together with the Lower Austrian Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Austrian Industries, has launched a strategy process with the support of the Economica Institute in order to make the best possible use of future opportunities for our business location. One key result: there is potential for all regions of Lower Austria. The greatest opportunities for growth lie in the areas of digital innovation and green transformation. These areas of opportunity are being addressed and three priorities set, which, in addition to proven measures, should provide additional impetus for the local economy. As the state's business agency, ecoplus implements thematically appropriate measures.

Frau vor grauer Wand
Westend61 / Kniel Synnatzschke

DIGITAL ECONOMY: Advancing the digitalization of processes in companies - topics: Cyber security, artificial intelligence, digital distribution channels and supply chains, management processes or automation

RESOURCES 2.0: Focus on renewable energies, energy management, bioeconomy and circular economy - Topics: Resource efficiency, e-fuels, storage technologies, hydrogen applications, efficient construction, recycling in the plastics & textiles sector

  • Platform for green transformation & bioeconomy
  • Initative EMI

SMARTE VITALITY: Innovations in the field of intelligent, digitally supported services, medical technology, health programs, digitally supported prevention, use of data for research and healing, solutions for simpler, faster official channels

  • Plaftform for health technology


Modern road, rail (ÖBB, Westbahn) and water connections, networked mobility, digital toll systems, optimized border clearance and the efficient Vienna Airport will ensure the future success of the companies located in Lower Austria.

  • 7th place in the World Bank's “Logistics Performance Index” ranking for Austria 2023


The focus on cutting-edge technologies, research and development make Lower Austria a future-oriented business location. Leading high-tech companies value the networking through clusters and technopoles, the innovative environment and the highly trained specialists.

  • 14th place with 264 patents per million inhabitants for Austria in 2023

Talents for tomorrow

Lower Austria's renowned universities and colleges, the practical training at vocational secondary schools and the globally exemplary dual apprenticeship program ensure the next generation of young talent - a talent pool from which you can draw.

  • 10th place in the IMD World Talent Ranking for Austria 2024

Facts & figures that impress

  • With an area of 19,177 km², Lower Austria is the largest federal state in Austria.
  • 1.72 million inhabitants make Lower Austria the second most populous federal state.
  • 573 municipalities and 4 statutory towns are moving Lower Austria's regions forward.
  • Sankt Pölten has been the provincial capital since 1996 and has around 59,000 inhabitants
  • Located in the center of Europe: Lower Austria is an ideal springboard to and from the CEE region - its proximity to Vienna also opens up opportunities.
  • There are currently 75.838 one-person companies in Lower Austria (WKNÖ 2024)
  • 838.900 people were employed in Lower Austria in 2023 - breakdown by economic sector: 4.6 % agriculture,
    25.9 % production, 69.6 % services (WKNÖ 2024)
  • With 17,311 apprentices, the talent pool is large - of which 47.7% work in trade and commerce, 15.4% in industry and 14.5% in trade (WKNÖ 2024).
Blaue Europakarte mit Ländergrenzen und englischen Bezeichnung Lower Austria

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The ecoplus team will be happy to provide you with further information - also tailored to international companies!

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