Internationale junge Businesslady mit tablet vor einem modernen Bürogebäude

International companies with big plans

As an efficient and internationally recognized location in the heart of Europe, Lower Austria is ideally suited for the settlement of international companies. We offer customized services for international companies.

Would you like to set up a company in Lower Austria? Are you looking for a business location in Lower Austria that is tailored to your needs? Do you need the support of experts for the implementation of your relocation project? Do you have questions about subsidies and financing options or about permits that are necessary for the start of your business activities in Lower Austria?

Our team is at your side with a comprehensive network for your project. We provide support and advice on location evaluation, business relocation and relocation, permits, financing and funding. We accompany you through all phases of the process of setting up a company. Together we realize your plans in Lower Austria!

Businesslady im Anzug macht Cobra-Figur am Tisch
westend 61/Joseffson

Discover Lower Austria's high-tech and logistics hubs

Lower Austria has many strengths. Four of these are aerospace, biotechnology, green logistics and the circular economy.

Lower Austria is a successful base for aerospace companies. The Aerospace Center Wiener Neustadt is developing into a notable focal point for the industry. Infrastructure, skilled workers, quality of life - many factors complement each other here to create a major competitive advantage.

Benefit from the strong industry location: From the innovative start-up that equips rockets for all renowned manufacturers with its drive technology to the global market leader for luxurious interior fittings for private jets. They all benefit from the concentrated expertise at the Aerospace Center in Wiener Neustadt. Local research and educational institutions complete the “total package” to form a perfect symbiosis for joint projects.

In the air: Take advantage of the opportunities offered by an aerospace center in the heart of Europe. Two airports at the location itself, an international airport (VIE) and the proximity to Vienna. Thanks to independent site management, you will be actively introduced to the aerospace environment. You will feel welcome here right from the start.

Welcome to Tulln. A city with a research center for bio-based technology. The focus here: Food and feed safety, bio-based process technologies and agro-biotechnology. And with 1,000 jobs, the Tulln Biotech Center is a global player in these fields.

Innovative applications of microorganisms to control plant diseases in practice. Or: secondary metabolites that are both bioactive and environmentally friendly. As a company at Technopol Tulln, you also benefit from the know-how in plant and soil research. How does that sound to you?

Where some of the most cited researchers work? Right here! Unique synergies create a unique ecosystem at the location. Companies - some of them world market leaders in their niche, paired with EU-wide recognized research and educational institutions make the Technopol Tulln a “fertile ground” and starting point for global cooperation with internationally operating companies.

Do your logistics operations move large quantities or particularly heavy goods? Then a port location in Lower Austria is just right for you. At our Danube ports, you can exploit the full potential of green logistics and have the full range of trimodal transport solutions at your disposal. Take advantage of the benefits of the waterway and actively integrate inland waterway transport into your goods traffic.

Environmentally friendly, affordable and safe: Transportation by inland waterway offers a number of economic advantages. Goods that are less time-sensitive - such as bulk goods, building materials or finished products - can be transported to their destination in enormous quantities, at low transport prices and with low climate-relevant emissions. Rely on a safe and sustainable transport solution in good time.

Technology provider, customer or research company? Our unique circular economy ecosystem, focusing on CO2 as a resource and the efficient use of residual materials, provides an ideal platform for companies looking to expand their presence, reach and impact in these forward-looking sectors.

CO2 as a resource & effective use of residual materials: Thanks to innovative technologies and processes, Lower Austria is not only able to reduce the greenhouse gas CO2, but also to use it efficiently as a raw material in various industrial processes. This environmentally friendly practice offers companies considerable added value. They can improve their CO2 balance and at the same time open up new business opportunities.

Our highly developed waste recycling processes enable the recovery of valuable materials for industrial processes while minimizing the amount of waste produced. The majority of companies in our region have already successfully integrated these sustainable methods into their operations, improving not only their environmental performance but also their cost efficiency and competitiveness.

Get more information

Studenten der FH Tulln sitzen vor dem Gebäude im Freien umgeben von Blumenschmuck
Daniel Hinterramskogler

Business Location Lower Austria

Lower Austria is an attractive business location for companies and offers a wide range of advantages for operating in the market with plenty of opportunities.

Business Man in Lagerhalle mit Kabeltrommeln
westend 61/Joseffson

Business in Lower Austria

Lower Austria is a strong business location! We support companies on the road to success with our service and real estate offerings.

Businesslady im Anzug macht Yoga-Brücke am Tisch
westend 61/Joseffson

Business relocation

Find the ideal location for your company! We offer expert advice on all aspects of relocation and expansion projects.

Mehrere leuchtende teils unscharfe Glühbirnen


Do you want to start a business? Support for founders is broadly based in Lower Austria - for the best possible start.

Mann mit weißem Forschungsmantel hält Ipad mit schwebenden Icons in Händen
Westend61/Infinite Lux


Achieve more in a network! Our Lower Austria clusters and platforms motivate cooperation and thus create innovations.

Dame im weißen Labormantel sitzt am Mikroskop
Westend61 / Christian Vorhofer


Research, education and business in one place! Our four technopols bundle expertise into thematic focal points.

Unscharfe Aufnahme einer Person mit einem Kompass in der Hand
westend 61/Joseffson


Compact, clear and free of charge: Our ecoplus Standortkompass is the ideal tool for advertising and finding commercial real estate - including filtering by brownfield sites.

Mann überprüft Photovoltaikpanele

Business Parks

Optimal conditions for your location: ecoplus operates ultra-modern business parks throughout Lower Austria - owned or in partnership.

Mann und Frau bei beruflicher Gesprächssituation
ecoplus International

ecoplus International

With our HR and expat relocation service, we offer a wide range of services for HR managers and international specialists. We also provide support with export preparations.

Tell us about your project!

We are the business agency of Lower Austria with the aim of showing you the advantages of Lower Austria for your company and helping you to set up your business here quickly and easily. Therefore we go further than many others with our comprehensive range of free services. Take advantage of it, because great plans often start with a good conversation.

Frequently asked questions

Together with riz up, the Lower Austrian Start-up Agency, ecoplus supports you in all matters relating to setting up a company in Lower Austria, right up to entry in the company register and beyond. We provide an overview of possible company forms and have contacts to law firms, tax consultants and notaries. So you can get started quickly.

Example of an efficient process for setting up your company in Lower Austria:

  • Market check
  • Support from ecoplus
  • Rent or buy office space
  • Legal form
  • Subsidies
  • Business registration
  • Bank account opening
  • Permits
  • Search for employees
  • Apply for tax identification number
  • Taking out insurance
  • Local network setup
  • Regulations

We are happy to support you in your search for a location in Lower Austria. Our Standortkompass provides a free overview of available commercial properties.

Our own vacant real estate and properties in the ecoplus business parks, the intermunicipal business parks, the technology and research centers (TFZs) as well as the rental properties in the business parks offer the right environment for your company.

We are happy to support you with our know-how about the funding landscape and financing options in Lower Austria.

As a hub, information provider, initial mediator and network partner, we will put you in touch with the right funding agency:

  • Funding advice for start-ups, classic investment funding through to environmentally relevant funding as well as for funding calls on technology-oriented special topics
  • Individual initial assessment
  • Information from our network across all funding bodies

We support you with our experience in approval processes:

  • Land zoning
  • Building permission
  • Operating plant license
  • Water law

We have contacts with consultants, tax consultants, law firms and accounting firms. We also advise industry experts, planning and consulting offices, for example as part of our cluster activities.

Our extensive network, including in the field of cutting-edge technologies, will help you succeed!

Lower Austria's renowned universities and colleges, the practical training at vocational secondary schools and the dual apprenticeship system, which is exemplary worldwide, guarantee the development of the next generation of skilled workers - a talent pool from which you can draw.

The dual education system comprises around 200 apprenticeships that impart both theoretical and practical knowledge. These training pathways are shaping the workforce of tomorrow, equipped with a solid foundation of basic knowledge and specialized skills.

EVENTS & NEWS - Stay Up to Date

Messestand mit mehreren Personen, die an Stehtischen gerade beraten werden.

EVENT - Invest in lower austria at Connect Day 2025

ecoplus invites you to the Matchmaking Event at Vienna UP Week in Vienna. Visit our booth for free consultations on opportunities in Lower Austria.

Brücke über einen Fluss in Bratislava

EVENT - Invest in lower austria in bratislava

YOUR LOCATION IN LOWER AUSTRIA. ecoplus invites Slovak companies to an exclusive location event in Bratislava to learn about new business opportunities in Austria.

Raum mit ein paar Personen bei einer Präsentation, Zuschauer sitzen auf Sesseln in ein paar Reihen


ecoplus invites Hungarian companies to an exclusive location event in Budapest to explore new opportunities in Austria.

Room with people photographed from above during a presentation with a screen
AC Prag

Invest in lower austria - events 2025

Are you planning to start a business in Austria? Invest in Lower Austria by ecoplus offers events in Europe in 2025 to inform you about investment opportunities in Lower Austria

Bühne mit Screen, 2 Personen bei einer Präsentation auf einer kleinen Bühne

Year in Review 2024: Invest in Lower Austria

As 2024 ends, we reflect on ecoplus Invest’s successes: expanded international marketing, EU/global events, innovative projects, and international company settlements.

6 Personen in Anzug gekleidet stehen vor einer Leinwand

Innovation hub Lower Austria & Vienna meets Hamburg

Hamburg, October 23, 2024 - ecoplus held a successful location event in Hamburg in cooperation with the Vienna Business Agency and the Austrian Business Agency, ABA.

Your contact to success

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