Besprechungsszene Mann im Vordergrund rechts

Investments for effective synergy effects

With our investment portfolio we strengthen the economic impulses we set with the ecoplus key services - for a structured implementation of our projects.

The focus of our investments is always on promoting projects that are important for the regional economy and that thematically complement our business areas. This is because it often makes sense to establish or participate in our own (project) companies as part of ecoplus' key services in order to strengthen the economy and the regions in Lower Austria.

We have a total of 38 investments, including our business parks and the six technology and research centers. Our colleagues of the ecoplus management of holdings team ensure uniform planning and management and support our subsidiaries as internal service providers in planning, financing and special projects.


ecoplus Alpin GmbH

ecoplus Alpin operates mountain railroads and tourist infrastructure facilities. Its subsidiaries include: Annaberger Liftbetriebs Gesellschaft, Erlebnisalm Mönichkirchen, Hochkar & Ötscher Tourismus GmbH, Reidl Hotel und Gastronomie Errichtungs-Gesellschaft m.b.H, Bergbahnen St. Corona GmbH with Familienarena Bucklige Welt-Wechselland GmbH as a second-tier subsidiary.

ecoplus Beteiligungen GmbH

ecoplus Beteiligungen GmbH comprises 18 other subsidiaries.
In addition to business park companies and real estate projects such as Donau Gewerbepark Krems GmbH, these include our six technology and research centers in Krems, Tulln, Wiener Neustadt, Wieselburg-Land, Seibersdorf and Klosterneuburg as well as ecoplus Digital GmbH.

ecoplus International GmbH

ecoplus International GmbH supports Lower Austrian companies, especially newcomers to the export market. It offers personal support and information for companies and international key workers (expats) on topics such as work and residence permits, housing, health, school, training and leisure as part of the “Expat & Relocation Service”.

Ennshafen NÖ GmbH

The Danube port Enns-Ennsdorf is a modern transshipment center that combines water, rail and road transport in the ecoplus business park Ennsdorf. Ennshafen NÖ GmbH and Ennshafen OÖ GmbH market Austria's newest public Danube port together with EHG Ennshafen GmbH.

riz up Niederösterreichs
Gründeragentur GmbH

riz up supports companies throughout the entire start-up and growth process with free advice from business plan to online marketing, with seminars and video tutorials. Rental space and seminar rooms are available in the six riz up start-up centers. In addition, riz up operates eight consulting offices, two of which are in cooperation with co-working spaces.

VIENNA REGION Wirtschaft. Raum. Entwicklung. GmbH

ecoplus and the Vienna Business Agency each hold a 50% stake in VIENNA REGION Marketing GmbH. The common goal is to establish a platform for cooperative activities in the Vienna Region and to position the business and technology location internationally.

ecoplus investment matrix

Overview of the 6 direct and 32 indirect shareholdings of ecoplus including all management and percentage shares.

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