funded by the European Union
Mann mit weißem Forschungsmantel hält Ipad mit schwebenden Icons in Händen
Westend61/Infinite Lux

Networking in lower austria

Innovation through cooperation! Our clusters and platforms in Lower Austria are flexible and innovative industry networks in regional areas of strength. In this way, we strengthen important economic sectors in Lower Austria. We utilize synergies, identify potential for innovation and open up new opportunities for companies - beyond the borders of industries, countries and languages!

As economic hubs and innovation drivers for Lower Austrian companies, the ecoplus clusters connect in the future-oriented fields of plastics, mechatronics, sustainable construction and renovation as well as food. As a further service, we offer platforms on the cross-cutting topics of bioeconomy and health technology. Together with the technopols, the Lower Austrian Clusters & Platforms form the “Lower Austrian Innovation Ecosystem”, a project co-financed by the European Union.

The focus of our work is on inter-company cooperation projects in which companies research, develop and learn from each other. Where it is not possible for an individual company to follow a current trend, explore the potential of a new technology or commission a renowned research institution, the network joins forces and develops innovations together.

Our clusters

Innovative and sustainable construction in Lower Austria

Whether industry research, process optimization, development of system solutions, services, organizations or tailor-made qualification - the Green Building Cluster of Lower Austria offers a platform to implement innovation projects together in a resource-saving manner. 

Information and contact point for the entire value chain

The Food Cluster of Lower Austria is the information, service and contact point for the entire value chain of the food industry in Lower Austria - from agriculture, food production and processing, food retail and wholesale to gastronomy.

A cross-industry network in the plastics sector

The Plastics-Cluster connects all players involved in the plastics value chain in order to learn together for the tasks ahead - across industries and federal states. Lower Austrian cluster partners appreciate the regional support provided by our team and at the same time are part of a supra-regional network. 

Metalworking, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronics and information technology

The Mechatronics-Cluster brings together all players involved in the entire value chain for machines and systems. Challenges of the present and future in this field are tackled jointly across industries and federal states and additional expertise is generated. 

Our platforms


The platform for health technology is the first point of contact for all future-oriented companies and R&D institutions in the healthcare sector. The platform aims to network all important companies and institutions that want to initiate, develop and implement solutions in the healthcare sector - for example for Lower Austrian hospitals or care facilities. One of the long-term goals is to develop new products and services, new training opportunities in the healthcare sector as well as the important transfer of know-how and technology to companies. By supporting innovative projects, a contribution is made to the further development of the technology location.


Bioeconomy means doing business with what nature has to offer - and in such a way that it will still be available to future generations. This requires nothing less than a profound transformation of our current value creation processes, to which all sectors of the economy must contribute. The Platform for Green Transformation & Bioeconomy brings together the activities that exist in this area in the province of Lower Austria. The aim of the platform, which acts as an interface between all key players in the state, is to make it easier for companies to enter the complex field of bio-based and climate-neutral production and to show them the possibilities and opportunities.

Projects on the European level

viele Hände arbeiten an einem Projektplan

Progress through cooperation

Strengthening openness and cooperation in order to bundle forces, generate new ideas and develop solutions - following this principle of action of the Lower Austrian economic strategy, the ecoplus clusters lead or participate in European projects. The aim is to exchange and build up knowledge. This should generate added value for the regional economy and science and increase the international visibility of the region.

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