Business Man in Lagerhalle mit Kabeltrommeln
westend 61/Joseffson

Business settlements in lower austria

A successful project starts with the right location. With our investor services, we offer companies comprehensive consulting services. In our business parks, companies find optimal framework conditions.

Our investor services is available to provide advice in all areas relating to the search for a location, relocation or expansion of companies. We also provide support with our expertise on topics such as financing, subsidies and approvals. Also digitally: The Location Compass web platform provides a complete overview of available commercial properties and funding opportunities. A current focus is on climate-friendly location development.

In our ecoplus business parks, entrepreneurs can find tailor-made solutions for relocations - from undeveloped plots to ready-to-occupy rental properties. We operate business parks in ownership or participation in all parts of Lower Austria - precisely at those points where infrastructure, market potential and industry requirements are bundled into tailor-made locations.

Our perspective for you

  • CONSULTING: We provide advice from concept to financing, act as a hub for institutions and authorities and are your partner from site search and development to handing over the keys. We remain your most important contact for all matters.
  • FOCUSSING ON THE FUTURE: Conserving resources, saving space, climate-friendly business park renewal and preserving biodiversity are key challenges in site development. Our business parks are constantly being brought up to the latest state of the art.
  • RENTAL PROPERTIES: We construct customized rental properties according to your specific needs and ideas - our special service in the business parks.
  • PLOTS: We offer fully developed plots, optimal transport connections and the highest standard of energy supply as well as communication and service facilities.
  • YOUR PARTNER: We are the first point of contact for company locations throughout Lower Austria.
Mann überprüft Photovoltaikpanele

business parks

Optimal conditions for your location: ecoplus operates ultra-modern business parks throughout Lower Austria - owned or in partnership.

Mann in rosa Michelin-Männchenkostüm steht bloßfüssig am Tisch und streckt Arm und Bein weg
westend 61/Joseffson

rental properties

The construction and leasing of real estate according to the specific needs and expectations of companies is a special service provided by ecoplus.

Außenansicht xista science park Gebäude
Robert Oberbichler

Technology- and research centers

Our technology and research centers offer perfect conditions for companies working in research.

Businesslady im Anzug macht Yoga-Brücke am Tisch
westend 61/Joseffson

business relocations

Find the ideal location for your company! We offer expert advice on all aspects of relocation and expansion projects.

Grünraumgestaltung Wirtschaftspark Kreilhof
Martin Helm

Climate-friendly location development

We support municipalities in the climate-friendly and inter-municipal development of existing and new business parks.

einige Leute stehen im Halbkreis und legen ihre Hände übereinander

Intermunicipal locations

Developing a business park together with other municipalities? Joining forces in a region has many advantages. We support you with our experience!

a question of location

Your contact to success

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