What we offer
As the business agency for lower austria with headquarters in St. Pölten we are the first starting point for economic enterprises. We stand for comprehensive and service-oriented expertise. ecoplus
is wholly owned by the province of Lower Austria.
Since our foundation, we have been passionate about your projects and support you along the way with tailor-made services. Consulting and know-how from a single source make ecoplus your ideal partner. We support you in the rapid processing of your projects, ideas and concerns in the business world.
We act as a hub, network partner and information and referral center for central economic issues in Lower Austria. ecoplus connects business and politics, companies and administration, investors and initiators of regional and international projects. We build the bridge from the vision to your entrepreneurial success!
our areas of business
COMPANIES & TECHNOLOGY: Within the Lower Austrian innovation ecosystem, which includes the ecoplus clusters, platforms and technopols, we strengthen synergy effects between companies, research and educational institutions. With ecoplus International, we support Lower Austrian companies and their internationals as well as export projects - we promote innovation through cooperation!
LOCATION & SERVICE: We provide first-class business locations in our business parks. ecoplus provides support in all matters relating to relocation and expansion projects in Lower Austria. We offer comprehensive services: from site search and planning to funding and financing advice through to construction - all from a single source!
PROJECTS & IMPULSES: With regional funding, we support investments in infrastructure that make a special contribution to the regional economic development of Lower Austria. We are your strong partner for the implementation of your project idea, from the initial consultation to funding processing - from the region for the region!

business parks
business parks
4 & 4
Technopols and Clusters
4 & 4
Technopols and Clusters
(direct & indirect) holdings
(direct & indirect) holdings
employees at ecoplus
employees at ecoplus
our services
- BUSINESS PARKS: We provide first-class business locations in our business parks.
- LOCATION SEARCH: We support companies in all matters relating to the search for a location.
- REAL ESTATE: The construction and rental of real estate like the six technology- and research centers is a special service offered by ecoplus - tailored to the needs of companies.
- NETWORKS: With our technopols, we particularly strengthen technology-oriented location development around educational and research institutions and support innovative cooperation projects in the clusters and platforms we manage.
- REGIONAL FUNDING: We provide access to regional funding to promote economic and tourism dynamics in Lower Austria.
- DIGITALIZATION: The House of Digitalization in Tulln is the central point of contact for digitalization.
- INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSES: Lower Austrian companies with a focus on internationalization can count on our service.
- INVESTMENTS: We structure our economic impulses for Lower Austria with our investments.
- EXPERIENCE: We have been setting important milestones for the economic development of our federal province since 1962 - our success story
Overview of all divisions, business areas and responsible contact persons.
Overview of our investment portfolio
In a dynamic environment, it is crucial to have a reliable and competent partner at your side. As the business agency of the federal province of Lower Austria, we support you with comprehensive services and tailor-made solutions. We have the necessary know-how for your concerns, projects and tasks.
Our aim is to support you in every phase of your project. Whether you are setting up a new company, expanding an existing business or coming up with innovative project ideas - we offer the necessary expertise and the right resources. We are ready to support your vision with our experience.

NETWORK & Information
ecoplus is not only a well-connected point of contact in Lower Austria - we also have the right partners for your projects throughout Austria and internationally.
- accent Inkubator - Start up service
- Access Industrial Park Gmünd-České Velenice
- Convention Bureau Lower Austria
- Donau Gewerbepark Krems GmbH
- Gründerland Niederösterreich
- Ennshafen
- Expat & Relocation Service
- House of Digitalization - House of Digitalization in Tulln
- IN - Industrie Niederösterreich
- Federation of Austrian Industries - Lower Austria
- net for future
- Federal Government of Lower Austria
- Niederösterreich Werbung - Lower Austria Info
- NÖ Glasfaserinfrastrukturges. m.b.H
- NÖ.Regional.GmbH
- standortkompass.at – Platform for business relocations in Lower Austria
- Raumordnung in Niederösterreich
- riz up Niederösterreichs Gründeragentur Ges.m.b.H.
- Science Center Niederösterreich
- tecnet equity
- Amt der NÖ Landesregierung (WST3)
- Wirtschaftskammer NÖ
- AMA – Agrarmarkt Austria
- AMS - Arbeitsmarktservice Niederösterreich
- ABA - Invest in Austria
- AWS – Austria Wirtschaftsservice
- BABEG – Kärntner Betriebsansiedlungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft
- biz up – Business Upper Austria
- FFG – The Austrian Research Promotion Agency
- Innovation Salzburg
- Leitbetriebe Austria - Leading Companies
- ÖIR – Österreichisches Institut für Raumplanung (Austrian institute for regional planning)
- Standortagentur Tirol
- STG – Standortmarketing Steiermark
- Vienna Region Marketing
- Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland
- Wirtschaftsagentur Wien
- WISTO – Wirtschaftsstandort Vorarlberg