BergSommer Rax
We help you make your project a reality

Promotion of regional Projects

We assist projects characterized by sustainability and innovation. Projects supported are anchored in and connected to the regions. They utilize regional resources, resulting in both added value and the creation and safeguarding of jobs in the regions.

Facts & Figures (since 1987)

  • more than 3,965 projects approved
  • € 1.5B regional funds and EU co-financing mobilized
  • more than 35,920 jobs created and secured in the regions
  • more than 1,140 consultancy projects managed
  • more than € 3.4B total investments made

Our Services

As part of our regional funding efforts, we back local authorities, initiatives and associations and companies in the tourism and leisure industry with project initiatives that contribute positively to the regional economy. We provide services to support them from initial consultation until funding is secured.

Our contact
Mag. Werner Bauer Division Head Projects & Initiatives, Department Head Regional Funding
Contact us
Our contact
Mag. Helmut Heinisch Department Head Regional Funding
Contact us

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Team Regional Support


ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria, Regional Funding
Niederösterreich-Ring 2, Haus A,
3100 St. Pölten, Austria